Inflation - Am I Right?

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Seth.

I’ve been a certified copywrite for 6 years and what you’re reading right now is exactly how marketers type.

So if you can’t get along with the format I write in, then this article might not be for you because it’s not going to change.

But enough of all of that..

Let’s get down to the reason why you’re actually here…

Inflation, am I right?

We all go along our days believing that the power of our dollar is impervious– no, bullet proof to the adversity the economy can bring in a single night.

And then we woke up one morning and our whole lives changed.. 2020 - a pandemic year no one is going to forget.

Especially our wallets.

Despite one of the worst downturns in our economy's history, my wife (Miranda) and I decided that it was going to be a good time to buy a business..

Now there’s this whole “price increase” issue that I’m staring at..

Being forced to tell a large number of loyal customers, “Hey, we love you, but we need more money,” wasn’t exactly going to cut it for me.

No.. not by a long shot..

I like millions of small business owners across America, and the world for that matter looked to save money anywhere we could..

Warehouse is in-house… check.

Thinner shipping labels that don’t print worth a darn… check.

Skinnying down backend programs where we could… check.

Reintroducing trio bow sets to cut down on packaging costs… check.

Right when you think that you’ve cornered the best idea on how to save money in your small business comes this little line at the bottom of your balance sheet.. Most call it a P&L. (profit & loss)

And let me tell you, believe me… these margins are thin..

So let it be said here first, because this is the first time I’ve ever had to increase prices on loyal customers…

I did what I could within the means that I have..

And no, I’m not increasing your subscription to buy myself a mansion.

I’m increasing your subscription because I want this business to keep going.

I want this business to pour into the lives of millions of homes every single day.

I want this business to be a part of your daily lives.

With every Instagram reel..

Every Tiktok we post..

Every bow we make..

We feel like we are called to connect with our subscribers in a way that is genuinely us (Miranda & I) and expand the offerings of Olivia’s Bow Club.

So I’m sorry to say this, but yes. It is true. We are increasing the prices of our subscriptions.

And while to some it doesn’t seem like much, to us (Miranda and I) it is, and it’s a big deal.

Unfortunately, my good news is going to be overshadowed by the bad news…

The rumors are true…

OBC will be expanding its line of accessories outside of just bows.

We WILL be releasing more bow styles (3 are in the works right now)

We WILL be adding on accessories..

We WILL Be adding apparel..

All by the end of 2023.

And to answer your next question: yes..

Releases will happen all throughout the year as new products are ready.

So please try to understand..

While the price increases do suck..

The party is just getting started..

And you, the reader, need to prepare yourself to see Olivia’s Bow Club in a way that you’ve never seen before.

Until next time!

-Seth (the IT guy)

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Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription
Olivia's Bow Club Subscription

Olivia's Bow Club Subscription


Get 3 absolutely adorable bows - Every month! 

💖 Always designed by mamas, using top quality materials for ultimate comfort for your babe.

💖 Each set is truly one of a kind and made in limited quantities.

💖 We believe that mamas are superwomen, so we employ mamas at every turn possible!
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Piggies Trio
Piggies Trio

Piggies Trio


You asked and we listened! BRAND NEW to our line up is this beautiful Trio of our subscription bows AS PIGGIES! Your little lady will LOVE having all the piggies options.

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